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It is also the hub of Governmental industrial and military activities in the wartorn country. Today's selected stories Green transition: Rasmus Karkov.

Denmark Sweden Norway Finland Iceland. The problem of getting V. Health knowledge. Sustaining a steady relationship is difficult when working as a prostitute, as the man may not be able to tolerate this way of life; equally, having a stable relationship may not be a priority in the prostitutes' lives. Some 85 percent of prostitutes in a Danish survey say they are sex workers because of the money.

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This is a descriptive, exploratory study, carried out in bars, pick-up points and brothels, with the support of the Association of Sex Workers of the municipality of Picos APROSEP , which is responsible for seminars on Sexually Transmitted Diseases STD and AIDS, the use of condoms and the importance of undertaking preventive examinations; the monitoring of the frequency of the undertaking of this examination; and the distribution of educational materials and condoms.

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