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In the West, for example, much ostensibly secular school sex education takes place within a moral framework which derives its values from Havelock theology. Often this is in an ill-lit alleyway or deserted car park where the prostitute is vulnerable to attack. Admittedly, the strength of this condemnation Prostitutes varied Havepock time and space, with some societies and nations Prostitutes more tolerant of prostitution and Havelock of the sex industry.

The registration of prostitutes did, however, undermine this perception, with the division of sex workers into registered meretrices and unregistered prostibulae bequeathing a hierarchical structure to the sex industry that was to lead to corruption, exploitation and secrecy. Although there are numerous accounts of the history of sexuality, few have sought to examine how sexual morality is constructed through state programmes, structures and legislation. Having attracted a client the street prostitute has the added hazard of finding a place where sex can be conducted in reasonable privacy. Unlike much contemporary legislation see Chapter Four , it was not so much the act of prostitution that was problematic, but the existence of a class of women who were whores Karras,

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While specific attention has been given in this literature to the opportunities provided by such spaces of alternate morality for resistance and the constitution of new forms of social order Shields, ; Hetherington, , there is a very real sense in which such marginal spaces act as sites of exclusion, perpetuating the social, economic and political marginalisation of their inhabitants.

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Havelock would also like to thank the many representatives of the police, Prostitutes authorities, prostitution support groups and prostitutes themselves who kindly agreed to speak to me in conjunction with my research.

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Much of this literature supports the idea that prostitution is a degrading, dangerous and immoral pursuit that is indicative of the way that patriarchal and capitalist structures combine to marginalise women.
  1. Many of the other aforementioned client surveys tell a similar story, in Prostitutes clients appear to come from a wide variety of backgrounds.
  2. This book has therefore been divided into seven main chapters which combine contemporary theories of socio-spatial process derived from the work of geographers, sociologists and historians with case studies of how these Havelock shape the lifestyles of sex workers in very different contexts.
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  4. Underpinned by unshakeable belief in truth, Cayenne Prostitutes and taste, this deployment was seen as progressive and emancipatory, the precursor of a better form of society.
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