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I'm so sick of this. I have assigned this to the Police Department. The resident property owners need help from the City to put a stop to this.

I'm getting sick of all of them walking around while our kids getting on the school bus and off the bus. Submitted To: Also when they do their job right on the side of street where children can see they should be put on a sex offender list and listed as a pedophile even without touching kids they are doing sexual acts in front of children. Invite your neighbors and friends to utilize SeeClickFix so they can post, vote, and comment on issues in your neighborhood and city.

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  1. Sharon Boerio North User North agree now that school is back in session they need to crack down on this even more, our children Prostitutes need to see this crap, they actually North my North old bus stop on fourth cuz of it as well and other reasons.
  2. Get them out of our neighborhood already.
  3. Something has got to be done.
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